Hello! I'm Jean-Pierre

World Traveler & BJJ Addicted

Who am I?

Hey I`m Jean-Pierre, I live on this globe since the mid-80s. In my early 20s I started to explore the world.

Since than travelling is a big part of my life. I try to go as often as I have the opportunity.

Around 2014 I started with Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, I totally fall in love with the sport. The same year I went the first time in my life to a gym in another country. it was so special for me to train in another gym outside of my hometown. Meanwhile I try to include gym visits to my travels.

Personal travel record



Why travelling is so important for me:

Getting to know new people and learning about their culture is the most important thing for me while travelling.

Together with BJJ things become a bit easier to get in touch with local people and getting to know them.

On my past travels I made a lot of friends worldwide. I was every time welcome to the gym and the locals loved it to catch some rolls with a foreigner.

A lot of the time the people invited me to hang out with them after training. There is no better way to connect and see something from a new city!

Recent Travel

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